Saturday, February 21, 2009

Does it never end for us?

After being diagnosed with yet another ear infection on Monday, poor G-tot has been stricken with something that had him projectile vomiting this afternoon. He passed out on JQ after several rounds in the bathroom and we are hoping the nap means the puking is behind us.

If not, we've go a bucket handy.


Anonymous said...

Oy. What a weekend of family togetherness...

Brandy said...

Poor guy. When they are sick at this age it just breaks your heart.

We have the same blankets here at home - I have to ask where did you get yours??

Naynayfazz said...

Did the doctor say anything about G-tot having to have tubes put in his ears and/or his adenoids taken out? I ask this because when I was a wee little lass, I had tons of ear infections due to fluid build up in my ears. Not only was a I sick a lot but I had trouble hearing. When I was 3 I had the surgery and was fine.

I was just wondering if this was anything your doctor brought to your attention?

I hope G-tot is feeling better soon.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...


Brandy—That looks like a hospital blanket to me. Shhh…don't tell.

Naynay—We went and saw the ENT specialist a couple of weeks ago. G-tot is scheduled for surgery this Thursday. Send us good vibes.

Dave2 said...

I can relate. When I was a wee-one, I had ear infection after ear infection. Getting my ears lanced seemed like a monthly event. Finally, after years of that, they removed my adenoids, and the ear infections stopped. So I'm with Naynayfazz... it's definitely something to investigate.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Poor baby! I hope he feels better soon. He may be sick but he looks precious.

Naynayfazz said...

I had a feeling that was the problem given my background with ear problems. I will definitely send you good vibes. I wish I would've known sooner about the surgery; I would've sent Woody Woodpecker along for moral support since he was such a champ supporting me back in 1981. :)

Lora said...

we are having that kind of weekend too. and I'm dying for tacos and that next post didn't help.