Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Have you ever had a lychee nut?

When I saw them sitting on the counter at the farmer's market I was intrigued. I had never had one before and had no idea what to expect, but the box of them called me. "Try us" they begged. "We're inexpensive and exotic" they beckoned. So I bought a few. Then I took them home and photographed them.

That's normal right? I mean look at them. Aren't they lovely?

Rough ruby colored exterior. Touches of yellow-green where the fruit grows on the tree (is that what they grow on?). About the size of one of those large gumballs you get out of the vending machines at the grocery store. And the skin? It's paper thin. Not at all what I expected looking at that rhino-like shell.

The inside? Reminded me of a big fat maggot. Not exactly what I want to put in my mouth. Soft, white, and slightly elastic feeling. Don't you want to run out and grab a handful?

I got over it quick enough. I was not going to let that visual keep me from tasting it. Who's to say I would ever get another opportunity to try a lychee nut? Or would want to? So I bit into it.

I was not impressed. I think the sign at the farmer's market described it as a cross between a grape and a grapefruit. I just thought it was bland. I'm glad I tried it but I won't be buying them again anytime soon.


Lisa Armsweat said...

I love that you wrote a post with pictures about the act of trying a lychee nut. You're quite cool, you know that?

I'm glad you tried it so I don't have to. Thank you! :)

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Cruel Shoes—I am quite cool, aren't I? ;)

Bob said...

You are much braver than I. And cooler. I mean, check out that stocking cap in your new profile pic. It has cool written all over it.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Nobody—Are you making fun of my skully?

Bob said...

Absolutely not, you look good in it. I didn't even know it was called a skully. That's how much cooler you are than me.

Naynayfazz said...

If you didn't write it was fruit, I would've thought it was some kind of animal egg. The pictures were not appetizing.

Naynayfazz said...

Oh, and I just noticed your new picture. Very tough.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Nobody—Cooler AND younger. See what a $1.60 purchase could do for your image?

Naynay—What sort of animal exactly? And tough? Not sex-ay?

Unknown said...

You look like you are ready for a fight. Bring back your smile.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Cindy Mom—I am smiling. I'm just not showing my teeth. Plus, I wanted a picture with just me in it—not one where I crop out Alex's head and look like I have an ostrich neck.

Naynayfazz said...

I think you look bad ass. Like you are saying, "Don't mess with me punk."

I was thinking more of reptile egg especially the third one down. I was waiting for a little leg to pop out.

Anonymous said...

Heard of, yes. It's been making the rounds of magazine article popularity, lately.

Seen it? No. Not until this post. I was fine until I got to the word maggot. I'm la-la-la-ing and telling myself it's like a peeled grape.

So is the texture reminiscent of what it looks like? I mean, is it a soft, fleshy fruit/berry or is it really a nut?

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Naynay—"Hey youse, who do ya think youse messin' wit? Huh, punk?"

I don't know what that was supposed to be. Don't question it, just go with it.

Shades—The texture is what it looks like. Soft and fleshy, but more like a citrus fruit than a berry. Not stringy though,more solid. Hard to describe apparently.

Naynayfazz said...

That was supposed to be my family every single day. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

If it was bland... it was a baddd lychee, LOL

They look wonderful though ;-)

Cupcake Blonde said...

You know those tiny dinosaurs that look like long necked lizards running around on two legs? Well, if I could grab one and flip it over I imagine that is what it's little blalls would look like. Sorry, that is the first thing that popped into my head. And now I have taken this post to a very bad place.

Lisa Armsweat said...

I'm sorry, but I'm just dying over here over Vegas Princess' thoughts of dinosaur balls. So I started picturing you, in your bad-ass hat, eating these um, dinosaur balls, and saying out loud, "Hey, youse guys, I'm eatin' dis dinosaur's nuts over 'ere!"

(It all looks like a very sophisticated art film in my mind, though.)

kapgar said...

I've never seen a lychee nut, but I have eaten the insides of one. It was a thai restaurant and they had a jar of them that they used in their lychee martinis. Very good, but also very sweet. Both the inside of the nut and the drink. But that is kinda nasty looking.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Dutchy—Apparently they were bad from all the praise they're getting.

VP & Cruel Shoes—You have no idea how much I want to do this now. NO.IDEA.

Kapgar—I read the nut were slightly poisonous and you shouldn't eat them. Interesting.

Lynda said...

My soon-to-be-ex loves those. Never could find them in Indiana though. In California, you can find them in a can, and I thought they were pretty good, but nothing I would run out to get.

If someone was serving them at a party, I might take one or two though.