Thursday, November 15, 2007


I'm exhausted today and I don't think any amount of caffeine is going to help. Maybe I could just crawl under my desk and take a nap like George Costanza. I didn't get home from work until ten o'clock last night. At that point I spent the next hour doing dishes, pumping milk, picking up toys, blah, blah, blah. JQ and I finally crawled into bed around 11:30 and I didn't fall asleep until well after midnight. It was at 3 a.m. that I heard my wake-up call in the form of a crying baby. This tooth business is so tough for him.

I groggily stumbled to his room and tried to just rock him back to sleep. After a half an hour I laid him down in his crib and tiptoed back to our bedroom. JQ started to ask me if he was asleep and I cut him off with an abrupt "shhhhh!". Ten seconds later Gideon was crying again. Back to his room. Change his diaper. Grab the boppy and head back to our room for a feeding. It's not easy to get comfortable sitting in an upright position with your neck resting on the edge of the headboard. At 4:30 I passed Gideon of to his Dad to take him back to bed. A good twenty minutes later I was asleep.

Three hours later I was up for the day. A day that won't end until 10 o'clock tonight. I hope I don't doze off during my lecture this evening. Does anybody have andy NoDoze?


JQ said...

No NoDoz, but I have a feeling you are going to come home early tonight. Does that make you feel better?

Mel said...

I remember those nights with my kids. Thank goodness they are older so I can get sleep now. Although my daughter did text me at midnight the other night and woke me up :)

The Ferryman said...

What? Having a new baby isn't relaxing?

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...


mel—The thing that really bites me in the ass, is that he was sleeping through the night a couple of months ago. I'd like that to happen again.

mr. fab—Who knew? Do you think the warranty has expired?

Cupcake Blonde said...

Ha ha George husband and I have a private joke about that. :)

I hope you get some sleep soon. Nothing is worse than feeling tired all the time.

Lynda said...

Wait, I want to know how you get to go home early.

Poor kid. I hope his teeth feel better soon.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

vp—Gotta love George.
