Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Sometimes you run out of clean maternity clothes before you get to the laundry. After your shower you end up wearing your pre-pregnancy jeans, a tank top, and a Tom Petty shirt you got at a concert you went to five years ago.

It happens.


Hypersonic said...

Cool outfit. you are so gonna have fun when he comes.

DutchBitch said...

It looks fine!

BO Snagley said...

looks good to me. might switch out for one of those (Got one in the oven) t-shirts instead.

Naynayfazz said...

I think you look cute. When you are pregnant you can get away with looking unkempt. Don't sweat it sista. :)

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

hypersonic—we can't wait for baby!

mr. fab—I've been to lots of cool concerts. Ones that might even make you jealous.

Dutchy—Thanks. I'm just amazed pre-pregnancy clothes are still wearable on this ever increasing baby belly body of mine.

snagley—No bun in the oven shirts here. Wanna send me one?

Naynay—I'm not sweatin' it. But...if you click on the pic and make it as big as you can you'll see how short that Petty shirt really is. Without the tank top under it I'd have all kinds of belly hanging out (especially since I have to button my pre-preg jeans under my belly).

Naynayfazz said...

When I said, "Don't sweat it" I was just kiddin'. I guess I was just trying to make you feel better. Yeah the shirt is kind of short but you still look pregnant and cute. I used to have to reassure my sister all of the time, that she was not "fat", she had a baby in her belly. I guess that is what I am doing to you! ;)

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

naynay—I took no offense to it. I actually love being pregnant and having the baby belly. I just thought it was a funny situation. I actually prefer to wear the maternity clothes these days.

Sweet Lulu said...

hehe...That's kinda funny. I wear tank tops under shirts that are too short now. Never ever had a baby in my belly, though. Just lots of beer and cookies.

Cupcake Blonde said...

During the week I make myself look presentable because there are managers and clients and important people around. On the weekends? Sweatshirts and sweat pants...they're lucky if I wear a bra.