Saturday, July 8, 2006

Check it out—I've got another renter. Go over and say hi to LotionBarBunny at I need to vent. Find out what's behind the name, what it's like to be the Madam of a avian brothel, and if she survived the mini tornado called Jellybean that swept through her home in a mere 20 minutes.

Let's show her the same love that you all showed Utenzi last week. Maybe she'll make coffee.

1 comment:

Shannon Nelson said...

Ooh I love coffee. Iced Coffee...chocolate iced coffee.

Yes, everyone thinks my blog screen name is weird. What they don't know is that I need to vent is not my first blog. A Girl's Gotta Spa, which is mainly about my Country BUNNY Bath and Body business, is. And our sig. product is a Lotion Bar--hence Lotion Bar Bunny. ;)

People used to think I was a playboy bunny. At least that is what they thought the name was eluding too. Then I had to disappoint them. lol. ;)