Wednesday, March 1, 2006

They're here...

Let it be known that the student blogs have arrived! Check out "Student Minds" in the sidebar to get a glimpse into the happenings of college students in Northwest Ohio. You know you want to. It's ok, just click them. disclaimer: I am not responsible for crappy content...I don't tell them what to write, just that they need two posts per week.

With regards to my own blog content—I don't think I'll ever catch up. I've missed Sunday's Unconcious Mutterings and Monday's earwig of the week. ahhh...can I make them all up this Saturday? Is that wrong?


Jen said...

I can't wait! Do they know what your blog is? If I visit should I identify myself and tell them where I came from?

I better go see if they're up to snuff...

Lynda said...

Make them up Saturday and save them as draft then change the time to when you post it.

Not that I do that. **blushes**

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Jen—they do know what my blog is. Feel free to comment away without directly identifying yourself. It's college...they should be able to figure it out.