Thursday, February 16, 2006

it hurt so bad I almost cried

Add me to the list of those who hate the Olympics. I just discovered that my favorite Thursday shows will not be seen tonight due to the Freakin' Olympics! Be done with them already! geez...


Jen said...

HOLY CRAP! I'm glad you reminded me! I was just beginning to look forward to a few of them myself! I laughed all day long as all the t.v. tabloids and talk shows reported Grey's Anatomy and American Idol garnering way higer ratings and more viewers than the games. Add Dancing with the Stars and the rerun of Grey's Anatomy to that list tonight and I'm sure next time the games roll around, they will get much less attention and airtime.

If I hadn't re-visited your blog for the third time today, I would be howling and swearing a couple of hours from now...good thing we both visited the library recently!

Christina said...

I KNOW! My friends came over last night to see Earl and the Office and we sat there, dumbfounded, because the effing Olympics were on. I hate those things!!!

Lynda said...

I haven't even watch T.V. in who knows how long. Except at my mom's house.

I wouldn't know about the Olympics unless I read it on blogs. lol.