Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Can I just say that working 14 hours and crawling into bed at midnight makes for one sleepy *pixie* the next day? Especially when G-tot decides to wake up at 6:30. If I didn't have so much to do I'd take a nap. But I do, so…


Bob said...

Yesterday I got to work at 7:20am. I went home at 5:00pm, ran to Big City, ate dinner, back to work at 10pm until 3:45am. Back to work at 9:30am today, gone from 12:30-3:30p to take Mrs Nobody to the doctor. Back to work at 3:30pm, got home at 9:15pm. Sleepiness hasn't kicked in yet, but I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a rough day for me.

I hope you get some rest soon!

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Holy cow! Now I feel bad for complaining. ;)

Bob said...

I'm used to that sort of occasional abuse. It's all part of the job. I didn't have to go back in this afternoon, but I didn't want to lose out on the overtime from working the overnight shift last night.