I picked these cherries this morning while G-tot napped and JQ sprayed the weeds in the front bed. The tree in our backyard is full of ripe cherries and I wanted to get to some of them before the birds descended upon the fruit & took off with it all.

I needed the ladder to reach the majority of the little red cherries and even with the 6 foot ladder there are huge sections of the tree that I just cannot reach. My take was two full quarts and I barely scratched the surface of the tree. I could easily get another six quarts—but hand picking them is tedious. What I need is one of those scoop type things they use to harvest cranberries.

These are really tart cherries and I'm not sure what to do with them. I may try my hand at canning some. I may make a cherry bumble (with vodka and rock candy) or soak them in brandy. I may even try a cherry tart (although I'm not crazy about baked fruit). Any other suggestions are welcome.

My Mom stopped by while I was on the ladder, head up in the branches of the tree. Her first words as she stepped out of the car were, "You look like a farmer!". And you know what? I sort of felt like a farmer. Tending to the gardens and the fruit tree makes me feel very earthy and domestic. It's a labor of love and I really do enjoy it. When we eat the food we've grown on our property I get that earth-mother feeling all over again.
Man I wish I had one of those trees!
How many cherries can you get to fall off by shaking some of the reachable branches? That's what we used to do when my parents had peach trees...
Cherry crisp? preserves? Homemade cherry ice-cream or gelato?
Ohhh...the gelato sounds like a good idea. I'll have to look a recipe up.
They look so yummy!
If you aren't able to eat or use them all - see if you could sell them at a farmer's market (I have no idea how to go about it.)
YUM, those cherries look delicious! And oh so beautiful bright red!! Enjoy... I say go for the drinks with cherries...anything soaked in vodka or brandy is always yummy!
fg—I wonder how one does get involved in the farmer's market. I've always just been a consumer.
kym—I'm definitely leaning that way.
Those cherries look devine. Maybe try some preserves. I hear jamming is fun.
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