Thursday, May 8, 2008


So, have you heard about this? Apparently, Tom Petty has a new album out. The band is called Mudcrutch (but in my head I keep saying Mudcrotch). It's made up of members of Petty's first band—before the Heartbreakers. The link above gives more details about the album along with some samples you can listen to. I clicked on a couple of the songs yesterday and it reminded me of The Traveling Wilburys—which I love. I can see JQ and I sipping cocktails on the back porch on warm summer nights listening to this one.


Blogarita said...

I'll definitely check this out. Thanks!

The Ferryman said...

It's gotten a lot of pub here in Gainesville, as you can well imagine.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

blogarita—You're welcome.

fab—I'm imagining it now. Ahhh...

Mel said...

wow, I saw the review in people mag and thought it was a heavy metal band LOL. You have to admit it sounds like the name of a heavy metal band :) I heart Tom Petty!!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Okay there has got to be a story behind how they came up with that name because I'm with Mel. It sounds like a heavy metal band.

Anonymous said...

I'll check it out. I like Petty.