Thursday, April 10, 2008

closer to 1000

This is my 501st post.

That is all.


Christina said...

Wow, congratulations!

That being said, it seems like it should be so much more than that! Maybe I'm also counting all the posts on Gideon's old baby blog.

Anyway, keep up the good work! :)

JQ said...

Wohoo! Congrats baby! 501 blogs divided by 2.6 years equals 100% awesome. You rock!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Sweet! Halfway there. Now I have to go check mine and see where I am at...

Naynayfazz said...

I have 352. You inspired me to look. It is something I never really noticed until now. I have a while to catch up to you.

JQ's comment is cute, btw.

Naynayfazz said...

Holy Moly, guess what I just did? Since I am still suffering from anxiety and a tad bit of insomnia; I just read your WHOLE blog from the first WW post until now. WTF is wrong with me? Isn't sleep an option? Anyway, it was interesting seeing how your posts changed throughout the years. I read about you buying the house and then when you first announced you were pregnant. I even found my first comment back in 9/06. Memories, like the corners of my mind! :)

Anyway, I may go over to some other bloggers pages when I have some time and look at all of their old posts as well.

Okay enough blabbing, GOOD NIGHT!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Holy Moly Naynay! You need to get some sleep. But it is cool to see how people have evolved through their blogs, isn't it? :)

I have 920! I am only 80 away from my 1000th post! We should throw a party. :)

Anonymous said...


Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

christina—I know what you mean. The posts at the baby blog would add another 97.

jq—No, you rock.

naynay—Wow. Did you learn something? There must have been a lot of short posts, it looks like it took you less than an hour.

vp—Wow! We should have a party.

dad—I think you're making that up.

Naynayfazz said...

I read really fast. And yes, a lot of them where short.