That's it. Seven days and my G-man turns one. I'm at a loss for words. His party is on Saturday. I'm nowhere near ready but I'm not too concerned. I'll pick up the rest of the stuff on Friday and do most of the preparations then. I may have gone a bit crazy with the guest list (but I couldn't exclude her, or him, or them). Oh well. We're gonna whoop it up (remember to get wine). There will obviously be lots of documentation. Photographic and video. Any guesses on how many times I'll cry?

He looks a lot bigger than my niece who turned one on the 9th. I can't believe where the time has gone, and I'm just her Auntie!
kim—I feel like he looks so tiny when I think of my friends babies when they turned one. Funny.
Nooooooooooo! Where the heck did time go?
He's a cutie: almost 1! Have a great time at the party, tears or no tears.
Awww! That first birthday is so sentimental. My neice turned one yesterday...I can't believe it! He's adorable.
He's so handsome! Great shot - I hope he has a fantastic birthday!
So sweet.
I can't wait to hear how the party goes! I have been thinking about you guys all month!
I am excited to hear about the party. There better be video and pictures for us to gush over!
Oh and delete the tv de lcd comment, there is a virus attatched to the link!
A year really went fast! For a second there, I thought that was a regular-sized chair he was standing next to. And I thought, damn, that boy's *really* big for almost-one! :)
Aww, I hope you all have a fantastic party! I'm very excited for the pictures. For, there MUST be pictures.
Almost one? Are you kidding? Where did the time go? Isn't it amazing how much they grow in the first year... so awesome how you tracked it all on here though!
And definitely take lots of pics of his party, and post them immediately afterwards :-)
A year did go REALLY fast. He's rockin' and rollin'! I think I know why you're dreading this milestone. It's just one day closer until he starts talking back, LOL.
lynda—I know. I was just reading some of the early posts from the Wee One. Makes me sad.
nte—Thanks. I'm sure I will—tears or no tears.
christina—He won't remember it but I know I'll never forget it.
maggie—Thanks, we think so.
shades—I'll be sure to let you know all about it.
vp—I love that you guys are excited to see pictures and video of our little family. You're a good blog buddy.
cruel shoes—That's hilarious. No he's just a little guy still.
kym—Just think, in a minute your second one will be here.
rr—It's not that I'm dreading it per se, it's just bittersweet. My tiny baby...not so tiny anymore. And, if this one went by so fast, imagine how the next twenty will cruise by.
what a cutie
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